Last Monday the kids had the day off for President's Day. The weather was to be nice, so we made a trip into DC to visit George Washington's Mt. Vernon.
It was a free admission day, so it was crowded!

That made for a bit of a disappointing experience. We were unable to tour the mansion due to time constraints, and every other building had long, long lines. So we did a lot of walking around the grounds, and enjoying what we could.
We will have to return for another visit to get in the whole experience.
The parking lots were full, so I got a little creative with the parking.
Athan is doing a STEM Club once a week after school.
Spring is unofficially here.
The Upper Ferry near our house is open. This makes travel a bit more convenient when traveling North.
Also daffodils and trees are in bloom.
Last week on my way home I was flagged down by a lost driver. I got out, walked to her car, and helped her figure out where she needed to go. Then she noticed my license plate. She tells me how she has visited Iowa, "That American Pickers place", she says.
Practice for the school musical, South Pacific, is well underway. Gavin and Athan got their lacrosse gear on Saturday, so they are practicing the basics.
Saturday we are planning to make a day trip into DC as a family.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!