We made it to Maryland!
Last Wednesday morning we left Huxley, and headed toward Dayton, Ohio. I drove the Durango, and Phil drove the moving truck towing the Honda. We got in a bit later than preferred to the hotel in Dayton, but all went pretty well.
Thursday we visited the National Air Force Museum and then also made a quick tour of the Malt Products plant nearby. This was a project of Blackstone’s that was completed last year. It’s actually where Phil lived the first quarter of 2015.
Friday we finished our drive to Eden. The Appalachian Mountains made the drive a bit like a mario cart race. After checking in with the rental agent and unloading the truck we were moved in in just about an hour. Saturday we took the moving truck to a furniture consignment store and furnished the house. Saturday night Phil and I returned the uhaul equipment, and Sunday we hit the beach along Ocean City, MD. We still had our 3 bodyboards and 1 skimboard from California. No body suits needed in the water right now.
Monday was more shopping and trying to get settled in. Phil went to his first day at work. Even though he's been there many times before, this was his first day with this new role on the project.
I was most excited about my Sam's Club trip when I discovered steamed blue crab ready to heat and eat. Guess what we had for dinner that night. With the exception of Gavin and Cora, and Obi gave up after 1. Someday they'll come around, until then more for Phil, Athan, and I. We still have some left in the fridge!
Yesterday, Tuesday, the kids had their testing at the school, and we ate all 3 meals at home! Testing outcomes were as expected. Unfortunately the soccer roster for Obi & Gavin is already full, so I am working on alternate activities for them as well as something for Athan. Cora is able to join the Girl's team as soon as she is enrolled. Our family must go to a family interview with the principal before we can officially be enrolled. That meeting will hopefully take place yet today or tomorrow.
The kids are settling in well, a bit restless, but I'm sure after a few days of school everyone will relax and settle in even more. The house is nice, and will suit our family well during our stay. The neighborhood is very quiet, and our neighbors wave to us. There is cul-de-sac at the end of our road and to the road beside us. That is giving the boys a nice space to bike, roller blade, and play roller blade frisbee.
We plan to go to the ocean again this weekend, for it's only a 45 minute drive.
Then Tuesday all four kids will start school at Salisbury Christian. It's 11 miles away, and a 25 minute drive. Eventually Cora will be able to drive them to school. The school here does lunch a bit differently; they cater in everything, and you must order a month in advance. We missed the first ordering time, so for the month of September for sure I will have a lot of lunches to pack. We will probably stick to that for most of the time, for the catered options are kind of pricey. I told then that maybe two times a month, I'd do the catered option. I'm still wondering what my days will look like with no kids at home. But for now, I still have plenty to do with unpacking and finding the right spot for everything.
Thank you to all who helped us get on our way!!
Thank you to all who helped us get on our way!!
Very exciting! Glad to see the kids smiling and enjoying the beach! Praying school goes well and everything falls into place!